Rationality Freiburg

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Street Epistemology 2 (Closed Meetup)

Start: Friday, July 19, 2024 6:00 pm
End: Friday, July 19, 2024 8:30 pm
Location: Veranstaltungsraum, Haus des Engagements, Rehlingstraße 9, 79100 Freiburg (Map, Coordinates: 47.98953, 7.83979)
Host(s): Omar
Type of event: exercise
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IMPORTANT: This is a closed meetup, meaning it is only meant for people who have attended at least ONE previous event. Please do not come if this does not apply to you! Why? Read this. Check the list of events to find the next public event, where everyone is welcome. Anything listed there is 100% open to anyone.


SE stands for Street Epistemology.

IMPORTANT: During the previous SE event several people expressed the wish to get more practice. We do not have time to re-introduce the entire topic so preparing at home is essential! Calculate 2 hours of preparation time and please do not leave it until the last day.

If you did not attend the previous SE event watch the first 49 minutes (until the audience questions) from the following video: Learn Street Epistemology: Assumptions | Elements | Recovery (Oslo 2018) (blue slides)

In addition, everyone must read sections 4 and 5 (i.e. pages 11 to 20) of the following document The Complete Street Epistemology Guide - How to Talk About Beliefs (PDF).

If you read the entire document and/or consume additional resources on the topic of SE, even better! Two names you can search on YouTube are Anthony Magnabosco and Peter Boghossian.

What will we do?

We will put SE into practice in pairs, depending on the number of attendees with an additional observer per pair that gives feedback. We will rotate the roles and mix the pairs during the evening.

At the end we will have a short discussion round.


You are worried you have nothing to contribute? No worries! Everyone is welcome!

There always is a mix of German and English speakers and we configure the discussion rounds so that everyone feels comfortable participating. The primary language is English.

There will be snacks and drinks.

We will go and get dinner after the meetup. Anyone who has time is welcome to join.

Location (Veranstaltungsraum, Haus des Engagements)

In the above map the location where you should leave your bikes is marked in blue and the entrance with a red cross.


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Socrates on the beach

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